Dick and Margaret Larson

Dick Larson was born in Sandpoint, Idaho and graduated from the University of Idaho in 1946 with a B.A. in Political Science and is a former student of Dr. Boyd Martin, who with his wife Grace, founded the Martin Institute. Mr. Larson was president of the investment firm Richards, Merrill & Peterson, the company for which he worked for over 44 years.
Margaret Larson, a native of England, came to Idaho with her husband on his return from service in World War II. They lived in Moscow while Mr. Larson was completing his degree, subsequently moving to Spokane. Even while raising four children she managed to travel a great deal with her husband and helped in furthering his business. She served on the volunteer service league at Sacred Heart Hospital for a number of years.
Dick died in 2006, and Margaret passed away in 2009.