Insects: Examine how they hinder and help.
When your field of study encompasses 800,000 biologically diverse insect species, the challenges are endless. This program, the state’s only graduate program in entomology, provides a deep understanding of insects and their impact on agriculture, human health and the environment.
As a graduate student, you will study advanced topics related to insect systems, biodiversity, ecology, physiology and pest management. You will acquire the skills to develop integrated pest management systems, breed pest-resistant plants, tackle emerging pollination issues and battle insect-borne diseases here and abroad.
Students in this program lead independent research, with opportunities to conduct experiments across Idaho’s diverse ecological conditions and cropping systems.
This program could be a good fit if you:
- Hold an undergraduate degree in entomology, biology, fisheries, ecology or related area
- Enjoy studying insects
- Want to conduct research in the lab and in the field
- Want to advance agriculture and help the environment
- Can think analytically and critically about complex problems
With this degree, you could become a/an:
- Agricultural or urban pest manager
- Director of pesticide development for an agrichemical firm
- Environmental consultant
- University professor, research support scientist or extension educator
- Senior scientist or program leader for a federal or state agriculture, land management or health agency
- World health research scientist
- Federal livestock entomologist

Animal Science, M.S.