Our People
Nuclear Engineering & Industrial Management, Faculty
Indrajit Charit, Ph.D., P.E.
Department Chair, Professor
TAB Building, Room 314
Campus: Idaho Falls
Courses: Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Radiation Effects on Materials, Fundamentals of Nuclear Materials, Microstructures and Defects
Areas of Expertise: Processing-Microstructure-Property Correlations, Nuclear Materials, Structural Materials, High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Advanced Manufacturing
David Arcilesi
Assistant Professor
Campus: Idaho Falls
Area of Expertise: Reactor thermal hydraulics, thermal sciences
R. A. Borrelli, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Nuclear Engineering, Graduate Faculty
Campus: Idaho Falls
Courses: Principles of Nuclear Engineering, Master's Research and Thesis, Risk Assessment
Areas of Expertise: Advanced fuel cycle analysis, Open source scientific computing, Pyroprocessing, Safeguards- and security-by-design, Geologic repository design, Neutronics, Nuclear hybrid energy systems analysis, Cybersecurity, plant modernization, digital I&C, Risk assessment, management
Michael McKellar
Assistant Research Professor
Campus: Idaho Falls
Amin Mirkouei, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, Industrial Technology
Krishnan Raja, Ph.D., P.E.
TAB 310
Campus: Idaho Falls
Courses: Principles of Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Degradation Mechanisms, Nuclear Components Inspection, Radiation Detection and Shielding, Nuclear Material Storage, Transportation, and Disposal
Areas of Expertise: Nuclear Materials, Electrochemical Engineering, Environmental Degradation of LWR Pressure Boundary Components, Molten Salt Reactors, Reprocessing of Used Nuclear Fuels, Nuclear Storage Canisters, Pyroprocessing, Recycling of Strategic Materials, Energy Conversion and Storage.
John Russell, Ph.D.
Associate Research Professor, Associate Director, Center for Advanced Energy Studies
CAES Building, Room 167
Campus: Idaho Falls
Areas of Expertise: Atomistic Simulation and Modeling (molecular Dynamics, Electronic Structure), Materials for Energy Applications (nuclear materials, battery materials, carbon nanomaterials), Advanced Manufacturing for Extreme Environments, Science & Technology Policy (advanced scientific computing, cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems, nuclear security)
Alex Vakanski, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, Industrial Technology
TAB 311
Campus: Idaho Falls
Courses: Engineering Graphics, Quality Assurance Organization and Management, Computer Integrated and Robotics Manufacturing Technology, Fundamentals of Unmanned Aerial Systems, Mechatronics Systems
Areas of Expertise: Cognitive robotics, learning from demonstration, Vision-based control of robots, Machine learning and artificial intelligence, Control systems and automation
Nuclear Engineering and Industrial Management, Emeriti Faculty
Nuclear Engineering & Industrial Management, Staff
Alice Allen
Director, Student Recruitment/Engagement

Denise Engebrecht
Academic Program & Student Services Manager