Our People
Nancy Shelstad
Acting 4-H Director & Area Extension Educator — 4-H Youth Development
Suite AB
Caldwell Research and Extension Center
1904 E. Chicago, Suite AB
Caldwell, ID 83605
Nancy provides leadership to design, develop and implement programs such as New 4-H Volunteer Orientation, innovative youth programming, orientation to 4-H and promotes Positive Youth Development in youth programming statewide.
M.S. University of Idaho, 2006
B.S. University of Idaho, 1985
Janis Steffens
Administrative Support Specialist III
Mary E. Forney Hall, Room 210
University of Idaho Extension 4-H Youth Development
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3015
Moscow, ID 83844-3015
B.A., Washington State University
Robin Baumgartner
Program Coordinator
Forney Hall, Rm 207
University of Idaho Extension 4-H Youth Development
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3015
Moscow, ID 83844-3015
M.Ed., University of Idaho, 2021
B.A., College of Idaho, 1996
Matt Fisher
Area Extension Educator — Agriculture, STEM
Suite B60
Twin Falls Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
315 Falls Avenue, Evergreen Bldg.
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Matt focuses on agriculture literacy with an emphasis on STEM to increase youth access to agriculture and STEM education throughout Idaho.
M.S., University of Iowa, 2003
B.A., Providence College, 1998
Languages spoken other than English
- Spanish
Tami Goetz
Area 4-H Extension Educator
Forney Hall, Room 208
University of Idaho Extension 4-H Youth Development
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3015
Moscow, ID 83844-3015
Goetz supports educators and coordinators of the northern district’s 4-H youth development programs and communities. Statewide responsibilities include offering leadership for 4-H shooting sports to foster positive experiences and outcomes.
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2009
M.S., University of Idaho, 2004
B.S., University of Idaho, 2003
Mike Knutz
Area Extension Educator — 4-H Youth Development
Twin Falls Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
315 Falls Avenue, Evergreen Bldg.
Twin Falls ID 83301
Mike Knutz supports statewide 4-H teen leadership programs and 4-H educators across central Idaho. Mike's passion is helping youth thrive through their 4-H experience.
M.Ag., Oregon State University, 1993
B.S., Oregon State University, 1992
Yosele Leon Perez
4-H AmeriCorps Program Assistant
Suite A-B
Caldwell Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
1904 E. Chicago Street
Caldwell, ID 83605
B.A., University of Idaho, 2019
Languages spoken other than English
- Spanish
Scott Nash
Area Extension Educator
UI Extension, Power County
University of Idaho Extension, Power County
127 Idaho Street
American Falls, ID 83211
Scott provides 4-H leadership in 14 eastern Idaho counties as well as statewide leadership in 4-H animal science.
M.A., Texas A&M University, 1994
B.S., Brigham Young University, 1982
A.S., Snow College, 1980
Judith Schoenfelder
4-H Program Specialist
Caldwell Complex
Caldwell Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
1904 East Chicago Street, Suite AB
Caldwell, ID 83605-0602
Military partnerships, international exchange and out-of-school partnerships.
B.S., Fellow, Furman University WRP
Claire Sponseller
Area Extension Educator — 4-H STEM
Room 290E
University of Idaho Boise
322 E Front St, Suite 200
Boise, ID 83702
Claire provides leadership for the Idaho Think Make Create Labs in addition to expanding resources and access to STEM education on a statewide level.
M.Ag., Colorado State University, 2007
B.S., University of Idaho, 2002
Natasha Tienhaara
4-H AmeriCorps State Program Coordinator
Suite AB
Caldwell Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
1904 E. Chicago Street Suite A-B
Caldwell, ID 83605
State coordinator for the 4-H AmeriCorps Grant program.
B.S., Oregon State University, 2019
Teresa Tverdy
Program Specialist
Twin Falls Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
315 Falls Avenue, Evergreen Bldg.
Twin Falls ID 83301
Teresa provides support for 4-H's ZSuite, and is the state and national teen logistics coordinator.