Growing in Kootenai County
University of Idaho Extension trains local Idaho Master Gardeners to provide research-based horticulture education.
Idaho Master Gardeners develop and share expertise in topics including:
- Food production
- Integrated pest management techniques
- Improving soil fertility
- Choosing the right trees
- Growing turf grass
- Sustainable yards and gardens
Need a speaker or information booth? Request a Master Gardener.
Classes and Workshops for Community Members
We offer low cost horticulture, homesteading, permaculture and basic gardening workshops and classes to our community.
Horticulture Class Series
Preregistration and prepayment are required. You may preregister with a credit/debit card by using the "Register Today" button.
View full class descriptions are on our event page.
In the meantime, “Ask an Idaho Master Gardener” your gardening questions through the forms located on our Plant Clinic webpage, by email to or by phone 208-292-2525. We can accept photos of your inquiry, plant identification or insect identification as well.
Resources and Publications
- The pollination services of forests—A review of forest and landscape interventions to enhance their cross-sectoral benefits
- Learn about Forest Bee Pollinators
- Assess the current status of the pollinator habitat on your opens pace or forest through protocol from the Xerces Society
- Streamlined Bee Monitoring Protocol for Assessing Pollinator Habitat | Xerces Society (a more detailed bee specific assessment)
- What to Plant: Selecting Plants for Pollinators—Northern Rockies
- Plants for pollinators in the Inland Northwest
- Install and Maintain wildflower stands: Maintaining Diverse Stands of Wildflowers Planted for Pollinators | Xerces Society
- Where to purchase native plants and seeds
- Nesting and Overwintering of native pollinators: Nesting & Overwintering Habitat | Xerces Society
- Promoting Pollinators with Agroforestry | US Forest Service
- General Growing Conditions in Northern Idaho for Fruit Trees (PDF)
- Helping Trees Thrive (PDF)
- Pruning Fruit Trees (PDF)
- Training and Pruning Your Home Orchard
- Recommended Varieties of Tree Fruits in Northern Idaho (PDF)
- Insect and Disease Control for Fruit and Nut Trees (PDF)
- Kootenai and Shoshone Percentage of Frost Dates (PDF)
- Carpenter Ant Control (PDF)
- Hobo Spiders in Idaho
- How to Make Homemade Insect Traps (PDF)
- Insecticidal Soaps (PDF)
- Landscape Pests — Aphids (PDF)
- Landscape Pests — Earwigs (PDF)
- Landscape Pests — Grasshoppers (PDF)
- Leafcutter Bee (PDF)
- Natural Insecticides
- Protecting Honey Bees from Yellowjacket Wasps
- Ticks in Northern Idaho(PDF)
- More Information on Insect Pest Control
- Winter Fallen Trees and Bark Beetles (PDF)
- Basic Lawn Care (PDF)
- Controlling Billbug Grubs in Lawns
- Creating a Tougher Turf (PDF)
- Cultural Control of Mosses in the Lawn (PDF)
- Establishing a New Lawn (PDF)
- Fairy Ring (PDF)
- Lawn Renovation (PDF)
- Necrotic Ring Spot Recommendations (PDF)
- Susceptibility of Broadleaf Weeds in Turf to Common Herbicides (PDF)
- Thatch and Its Control (PDF)
- Weeds in The Lawn (PDF)
- More Information on Lawn and Turf
- Deer Resistant Native Plants (PDF)
- Native Idaho Forest Tree ID (PDF)
- Native Plant Resources (PDF)
- Native Plants in the Landscape: Grasses and Forbes (non-woody perennials) (PDF)
- Native Plants in the Landscape: Groundcovers, Shrubs, Trees (PDF)
- Native Plants to Attract Hummingbirds (PDF)
- The Native Roots Line of Plants: Wildflowers (PDF)
- Attracting Pollinators to Your Landscape (PDF)
- Beneficial Insects (PDF)
- Butterflies of Kootenai County (PDF)
- DIY Shed Roof Native Bee House Plans (PDF)
- Encouraging Beneficial Insects in Your Garden
- How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from Pesticides (PDF)
- Maintaining and Improving Habitat for Hummingbirds (PDF)
- Orchard Mason Bees (PDF)
- Native Plants to Attract Hummingbirds (PDF)
- Planting a Bee Garden for Pollinators (PDF)
- Pollinator Syndromes (PDF)
- Raising Native Bees (PDF)
- Selecting Regional Plants for Pollinators in Idaho (PDF)
- Growing Blueberries
- Growing Currants, Gooseberries and Jostaberries
- Growing Kiwifruit
- Growing Raspberries and Blackberries
- Growing Saskatoons
- Growing Strawberries
- Growing Western Huckleberries
- Recommended Varieties of Small Fruit for Northern Idaho (PDF)
- Selecting Grape Cultivars and Planting Sites in Idaho
- Growing Small-fruit Crops in Short-season Gardens
- Caring for Your Trees (PDF)
- Choosing Landscape Trees and the Resources for Homeowners (PDF)
- Drought Tolerant Trees for the Inland Northwest (PDF)
- Helping Trees Thrive (PDF)
- Low Maintenance Trees (PDF)
- Native Idaho Forest Tree Identification (PDF)
- Pruning Landscape Trees (PDF)
- Storm Damage (PDF)
- Sustainable Trees for the Inland Northwest (PDF)
- Trees with Few Pests (PDF)
- More Information on Trees, Flowers, Shrubs and Ornamentals
- Five-Year Crop Rotation (PDF)
- Attracting Pollinators to Your Landscape (PDF)
- Beneficial Insects (PDF)
- Blossom End Rot (PDF)
- Cool and Warm Weather Crops (PDF)
- Drip Irrigation for In-Ground or Raised Beds (PDF)
- Designing an Edible Landscape in Idaho
- Encouraging Beneficial Insects in Your Garden
- Fertilizing Gardens
- Garden Seed Shelf Life (PDF)
- General Gardening Conditions for Northern Idaho (PDF)
- Guidelines for Using Manure on Vegetable Gardens (PDF)
- Herbicide Carryover in Hay, Manure, Compost and Grass Clippings (PDF)
- Heirloom vs. Hybrid (PDF)
- Kootenai and Shoshone Percentage of Frost Dates (PDF)
- Planning and Managing a Vegetable Garden (PDF)
- Planning and Preparing the Vegetable Garden Site (PDF)
- Preparing Sunflower Seeds (PDF)
- Raised Bed Gardening (PDF)
- Recommended Vegetable Varieties for N Idaho (PDF)
- Season Extenders for Your Vegetable Garden (PDF)
- Seed Saving for Beginners (PDF)
- Straw Bale Gardening (PDF)
- Tomato Tip Sheet (PDF)
- Vegetable Gardening in Containers (PDF)
- Vegetable Planting Timetable and Seed Starting Plan (PDF)
- Weed Control in Vegetable Gardens (PDF)
- More Information on Vegetable Gardening
Noxious Weed Department Control and Identification
The Kootenai County Noxious Weed Control Department assists the public and government agencies with identification and control methods for noxious weeds.
For more information, please contact them at:
- Email:
- Phone:
208-446-1290 - Fax:
208-446-1282 - Address: 10905 N. Ramsey Road
Hayden, ID 83835