Estimation of Wheat Yield and Grain Protein with Handlheld and UAV-Mounted Sensors
September 1, 2022
Wheat grain protein levels depend on efficient uptake of nitrogen (N) — without it, optimized wheat yields are not possible. Monitoring your field’s N uptake is thus crucial. Using crop sensors to measure N use efficiency has gained in popularity, but just how reliable are their measurements? This three-page bulletin summarizes the results of a multisite field study of N use in spring wheat in southern Idaho from 2015 to 2017 using handheld equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Based on detailed plot-graph results, six UI Extension researchers report that both gadget types (specifically, a GreenSeeker handheld crop sensor and an octocopter 3D Robotics 8X+) possess comparable accuracy and are thus promising tools for improving N management in wheat.
Authors: Olga Walsh, Juliet Marshall, Chad Jackson, Ritika Lamichhane, Emmanuella Owusu Ansah, Eva Nambi
3 pages