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Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 Moscow, ID 83844-2332

Phone: 208-885-7982

Fax: 208-885-9046




Agronomics of Leasing Fields for Potato Production

Leasing or renting fields for potato production may make it easier for growers to either start an agricultural career or expand one but be forewarned: gather as much background information as you...

Alaska Field Guide to Potato Pests and Beneficial Insects in English and Russian

This 128-page pocket-sized manual helps potato field workers scout for and identify economically important diseases, insects and weeds in potato crops in Alaska. Each pest or beneficial insect is...

Anaerobic Digestion Basics

Anaerobic digestion offers the dairy and food-processing industries a way to address environmental concerns associated with waste, generate renewable energy, cut bedding-material costs, reduce...

Best Practices for CIPC Residue Sampling of Potatoes and Storage Facilities

Provides a uniform, documented method for residue sampling of CIPC, a potato sprout inhibitor, in potatoes stored in commercial potato storages and a protocol for surface swabbing to detect CIPC...

Biofumigant Cover Cropping in Potatoes: Dale Gies (Farmer-to-Farmer Case Study Series)

Dale Gies grows potatoes, wheat and seed crops for vegetables and cover crops under irrigation near Moses Lake, Washington. In this publication, Gies discusses his experiences using a biofumigant...

Biology and Management of the Potato Tuberworm in the Pacific Northwest

Since 2000, potato tuberworm, a difficult-to-control insect pest, has been detected in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. This publication describes its distribution, hosts, identifying characters and...

Chateau Herbicide for Use in Potatoes

Chateau can be used in a weed management program to provide hairy nightshade control. The publication discusses mode of action, herbicide characteristics, application rate and timing, weeds...

Cleaning and Disinfecting Potato Equipment and Storage Facilities

One important step in preventing the spread of potato diseases from field to field is the careful cleaning of equipment used in potato fields and by the effective cleaning of storage facilities...

Commercial Application of CIPC Sprout Inhibitor to Storage Potatoes

For potato storage managers, this publication describes how CIPC works and when and how it is applied. Discusses causes of sprout inhibition failure. Authors: Michael Lewis, Michael Thornton, Gale...

Common Scab of Potato Caused by Streptomyces Species

Common scab of potato is a plant disease caused by several plant pathogenic bacteria in the genus Streptomyces. The unsightly cork-like lesions, which range from relatively superficial to deep...

Costs and Returns for Irrigated Organic Russet Burbank Potato Production in Southern Idaho

This study compares economic costs and returns for producing organic potatoes on farms of two sizes, a relatively small farm with 30 to 50 acres in potatoes and a larger farm with about 100 to 120...

Cull and Waste Potato Management

Cull potatoes are low-market-value tubers, unusable or disposable, often due to overproduction. Because they are grown at many different times and locations throughout Idaho, discarding them...

Cultural Management of Blazer Russet Potatoes

Four pages of information about growing and storing Blazer Russet potatoes, an early maturing variety notable for high yields of long to oblong tubers. It is resistant to sugar-ends, tuber...

Cultural Management of Classic Russet Potatoes

Reports the findings from research studies on the cultural management of Classic Russet potatoes in southern Idaho. Growers can use the results in developing management guidelines for their own...

Cultural Management of Clearwater Russet Potatoes

The Clearwater Russet is a russet-skinned potato variety developed by the Pacific Northwest Variety Development Program that was released in 2008. Its excellent processing quality helped to...

Cultural Management of Ranger Russet Potatoes

This publication provides management tips for producing high-quality Ranger Russet potatoes in southern Idaho. Growers should adapt this information to their own situations. Information includes...

Cultural Management of Russet Norkotah Potatoes

Russet Norkotah, an early-maturing variety with long to oblong tubers and dark russet skin is well adapted for the fresh market, but not well-suited for processing due to low specific gravity.

Diagnosis and Management of Potato Storage Diseases

Learn how to identify the major storage diseases of potatoes and how to manage them through prevention, storage disinfection and management of temperature, humidity and airflow during storage.

Early Blight Biology and Control in Potatoes

With a focus on Idaho conditions, this publication describes the symptoms and disease cycle of early blight in potatoes and recommends control measures including cultural control, resistant...

Evaluating LESA Irrigation Systems in Potato Production in Southern and Eastern Idaho

Low-elevation spray application (LESA) is an irrigation modification that places nozzles 1-2 feet aboveground. The lower nozzle height in LESA enables water droplets to spend less time in the air,...

Field Guide to Potato Pests in English and Spanish

$5 This 130-page pocket-sized manual helps potato field workers scout for common diseases, insects and weeds which can impact potato yields. Scouting is an important part of Integrated Pest...

Handling Potato Waste for Beef Cattle Feeding

Feeding potato waste to beef cattle requires good feed management and certain precautions. This publication covers the storage and feeding of different forms of potato waste including filter cake...

Help Protect the Famous Idaho Potato: Diagnose and Control Late Blight in Your Home Garden

Potato and tomato plants are susceptible to late blight, a disease caused by a fungal-like pathogen that caused the Irish Potato Famine of 1845–52. The disease is still with us today and continues...

Herbicide Drift and Carryover Injury in Potatoes: Recognizing the Symptoms

We're sorry, this publication is temporarily out of stock. Please contact Extension Publishing at for more information. Fifty-two full color photographs show symptoms of...

Impact of Freezing Temperatures on Potato Tubers

Although relatively uncommon in Idaho’s climate, freezing conditions occasionally occur during harvest while potatoes are still in the ground. Learn how to manage these conditions more effectively...

Integrated Management of Wild Oat in the Pacific Northwest

In the Pacific Northwest (PNW), wild oat has become a notable weed pest of small grain and rotational crops, including pulse crops, potato, sugar beet and oilseed crops. It has infested more than 3...

Integrated Pest Management of Armyworms

Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Pest Management of Fusarium Dry Rot in Potato

Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...

Management of Corky Ringspot Disease of Potatoes in the Pacific Northwest

This six-page publication covers symptoms, causes and spread of corky ringspot disease; testing your soil for stubby-root nematodes, which carry the disease; options for controlling the disease;...

Managing Bacterial Ring Rot of Potato

Bacterial ring rot, caused by the bacterium Clavibacter sepedonicus, is one of the most destructive potato diseases in the world. Because losses due to stored, decaying potatoes can be substantial,...

Managing Late Blight on Irrigated Potatoes in the Pacific Northwest

Discusses symptoms of late blight and biology of the late blight organism. Integrated pest management strategies cover between-season management, current-season management, and harvest and storage...

Measuring Potato Dry Matter Content on the Farm

This publication describes three on-farm methods for measuring potato dry matter that provide similar results to commercial laboratory tests. Knowing the dry matter of cull potatoes is important to...

Monitoring Tools for a Potato Bruise Prevention Program

Potato bruising is costly. It lowers the quality of a crop, leading to customer rejections or direct waste. It's thus critical to quickly identify what is causing the injuries in your operation.

Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization by Pacific Northwest Field Crops

This publication is geared to promoting an understanding of the timing and pattern of biomass accumulation and nitrogen (N) uptake for crops in the Pacific Northwest. Proper use of N-based...

Nutrient Management Guidelines for Russet Burbank Potatoes

Efficient potato nutrient management systems are designed to ensure that all essential plant nutrients are available in appropriate amounts and at the most beneficial time to provide for optimal...

Organic and Alternative Methods for Potato Sprout Control in Storage

This publication reports results of a series of projects conducted at the University of Idaho Potato Storage Research Facility in Kimberly to evaluate alternative potato sprout suppression product...

Organic Potato Production in Idaho: Nutrient Management and Variety Selection

Topics in this publication include selecting varieties that may be suited for organic production; adapting fertilizer recommendations intended for conventionally grown potatoes; selecting organic...

Outlook Herbicide for Weed Control in Potatoes

Describes mode of action, use rates, application methods, weeds controlled, potato variety tolerances and follow-crop restrictions. Provides U of I research data on percentage control of various...

Portable Test Kits for Diagnosing Potato Diseases

University of Idaho scientists evaluated commercially available portable test kits for diagnosing potato diseases, finding them generally accurate and easy to use. This publication discusses the...

Potato Cost of Production for Idaho: 2016 With Comparisons to 2015

Get an accurate estimate of the 2016 cost of producing potatoes in three Idaho regions (southwestern, south central and eastern) by reviewing annual potato yields (plus historical comparisons),...

Potato Irrigation Management

Efficient irrigation management can increase marketable yield while reducing production costs by conserving water, energy and nitrogen fertilizer and while reducing potential groundwater...

Potato Mop-Top Virus: Biology and Disease Management

Potato mop-top causes dark, internal blemishes in potatoes. Because it is an emerging disease in the United States and no control measures yet exist, growers need to know the basic facts to...

Potato Production in the Home Garden

This publication contains suggestions dealing with potato varieties, planting, rotation, irrigation, fertilization, pest control, harvesting and storage. Authors: A. Thompson-Johns, S.L. Love, M.K.

Potato Production with Limited Water Supply

Research-based guidelines for irrigation, nutrient and cultural management practices for producing potatoes when water supplies are limited are presented in this publication. Authors: Bradley A.

Potato Psyllid Vector of Zebra Chip Disease in the Pacific Northwest

This publication addresses the emergent issue in the PNW of a potato infection called zebra chip disease, vectored by the potato psyllid. Includes information on the bacterium, the biology of the...

Potato Seed Certification and Selection in Idaho

The selection of high-quality seed potatoes is essential to produce a profitable commercial potato crop. This publication explains the steps you need to take do to get your seed potato certified,...

Potato Seed Management: Seed Size and Age

Discusses impact of seed size and physiological age on seed performance and the implications for management. Authors: William H. Bohl, Phillip Nolte. Gale E. Kleinkopf, Michael K. Thornton 4 pages

Potato Tuberworm: A Threat for Idaho Potatoes

Potato tuberworm has damaged potato crops in Oregon and could threaten Idaho potatoes. This publication describes the pest, its life cycle, and the damage it causes and goes into ways to manage the...

Powdery Scab of Potato

Powdery scab is a formidable and damaging fungus-like pathogen that damages potatoes worldwide. It causes gall formation on roots as well as lesions on the tubers, which reduce potato quality as...

Preventing Potato Bruise Damage

Bruising costs the U.S. potato industry hundreds of millions of dollars annually and penalizes growers via lower prices, reduced demand and increased storage loss. This training guide helps...

Respiration of Potatoes During Storage

During potato harvest, respiration becomes a crucial metabolic process. Its effectiveness determines how well a potato survives storage. Learn more about the aerobic respiration process, its...

Rhizoctonia Stem Canker and Black Scurf of Potato

Various types of rhizoctonia stem canker and black scurf affect Idaho potatoes, often because farmers rotate sugar beet and tubers. Learn about their symptoms and disease cycle, as well as the best...

Silver Scurf Management in Potatoes

Silver scurf, a fungal disease that causes blemishes that make potatoes appear “dirty,” has plagued North American potato production for the past thirty years. Its unsightly appearance discourages...

Specialty Potato Production and Marketing in Southern Idaho

U.S. customers are increasingly willing to pay higher prices for gourmet or specialty potatoes that come in a variety of colors and sizes. According to marketing surveys, eight specialty cultivars...

Storage Management for Summit Russet Potatoes

Summit Russet is a 2002 late-maturing russet-skin potato cultivar that produces a high percentage of marketable tubers. Based on three years of research conducted at the University of Idaho...

Storage Management for Umatilla Russet Potatoes

Umatilla Russet is a potato cultivar that was developed in 1998 for the frozen processing market. Based on three years of research trials conducted at the University of Idaho Kimberly Research and...

Storage Management of A93157-6LS Potatoes

A93157-6LS (6LS) is a 2006 multipurpose, mid- to late-maturing potato variety that has very high resistance to cold sweetening in storage. Based on three years of storage research at the University...

Storage Management of Alpine Russet Potatoes

Alpine Russet is a high-yielding, late-maturing potato with long, lightly rusted tubers whose long-term storability is a special advantage. Based on three years of research at the University of...

Storage Management of Alturas Potatoes

Alturas is a 2002 multipurpose, late-maturing, high-yielding potato variety that produces russeted tubers with high specific gravity. Based on a three-year study at the University of Idaho's...

Storage Management of Blazer Russet Potatoes

Blazer Russet is an early maturing, high-yielding potato that produces oblong to long tubers with a medium-russet skin. Its name refers to its earliness — it blazes the way for a potato harvest.

Storage Management of Classic Russet Potatoes

Classic Russet is an early to midseason russet potato variety that is one of the most widely grown tubers in the United States. Based on three years of storage studies, this five-page publication...

Storage Management of Clearwater Russet Potatoes

Clearwater Russet is a dual-purpose potato variety released in 2008 by the USDA-ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Based on three years of research...

Storage Management of Dakota Russet Potatoes

Dakota Russet is a multipurpose and popular potato cultivar whose Pacific Northwest acreage has expanded in recent years. With increased yields comes larger storage volumes. Based on the results of...

Storage Management of Mountain Gem Russet Potatoes

One reason Idaho potato acreage devoted to the Russet Burbank has declined in recent years is because of the development of new cultivars, including Gem Russet. Based on three years of research...

Storage Management of Payette Russet Potatoes

Payette Russet is a full-season potato variety released in 2015 by the USDA-ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Based on three years of storage data...

Storage Management of Teton Russet Potatoes

Teton Russet is a dual-purpose potato variety released in 2011 by the USDA-ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Based on a three-year study conducted at the...

Storage Management of Western Russet Potatoes

Western Russet is a multipurpose potato variety released in 2004 by the USDA-ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Based on a two-year study conducted at the...

Superficial Growth on Potatoes

In some circumstances, nonpathogenic fungi and bacteria grow on the surface of a potato. This publication describes its growth, explains the factors that promote it and provides some management...

Targeted Tank Mixtures for Weed Control in Potatoes

Managing weeds in potato fields with an integrated approach — using all available cultural, mechanical, chemical and biological tools — is more effective than relying on any single weed-control...

Uniform Plant Stand Is Key to Crop Yield and Quality

Because it affects all aspects of crop production, uniform stand establishment is vital for healthy crop production. Learn about the factors that enable growers to realize this important objective,...

Vine Kill and Long-term Storage of Ranger Russet Potatoes

University of Idaho scientists at the Kimberly Research and Extension Center spent three years studying the best time to harvest Ranger Russet potatoes to maintain best processing quality during...

Weed Control and Potato Crop Safety with Metribuzin

Effective use of metribuzin, a triazinone herbicide for weed control in potato fields, has evolved since our last publication a decade ago. This twelve-page update provides recommendations for...

White Mold of Potatoes

With a focus on Idaho conditions, this publication describes the symptoms and disease cycle of white mold in potatoes and recommends cultural, biological (with Conithirium minitans ) and chemical...

Wireworm Biology and Nonchemical Management in Potatoes in the Pacific Northwest

Wireworms are among the most destructive soil insect pests, particularly of potatoes, corn, cereals and carrots. Worse, their numbers are resurging in the Pacific Northwest and Montana. This...


Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 Moscow, ID 83844-2332

Phone: 208-885-7982

Fax: 208-885-9046

