Agriculture: A Foundation for Idaho's Economy
Agriculture is the foundation of Idaho’s economy. This poster attractively depicts the signature industry’s economic contribution in 2017, most prominently the total market value of all...
Changing Idaho Feed Crop Supply and Demand—Implications
The number of animals in concentrated animal feeding operations has increased since the early 1990s. The upsurge has influenced the supply and demand for crops used as feed, like alfalfa hay,...
Costs and Benefits of Applying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
This overview looks at applying for the DACA program as an economic investment. It provides important information for service providers and DACA applicants to use when considering whether applying...
Economic Development Challenges for Small Towns in Idaho's Butte, Custer, and Lemhi Counties
Small towns in Idaho's Butte, Custer and Lemhi counties face particular challenges because of their rugged remoteness and also because of the area's biggest, most famous employer — the Idaho...
Economic Impact of Snowmobiling in Valley County
Results of a survey document how much money snowmobiling brings into Valley County on both a good-snow and poor-snow year. It also examines impacts of three scenarios in this county, considered one...
Economic Importance of Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation: An Analysis of Idaho Counties
In 2012, Idaho OHV enthusiasts took close to 1 million OHV trips in Idaho and spent $434 million on the activity in their own county or in destination counties. This publication gives the findings...
Expansión de un Negocio Mediante la Adición de Empleados Remunerados
Como parte de la serie Consejos para Emprendedores, este boletín informativo de tres paginas proporciona informacion sobre que debe hacer al agregar empleados remunerados a su negocio. Tal...
Idaho Economic Recovery During COVID-19
Causing multiple shutdowns, COVID-19 wreaked havoc on the world economy. In a short informational video, two economics experts from University of Idaho Extension take a closer look. They briefly...
Managing Price Risks Using Grain Contracts
Managing price risks in commodity markets is a complex task. Indeed, grain producers must think globally, which is always a challenge. Sharpen your marketing strategies by learning the basic...
Margin Protection Crop Insurance for Idaho Corn Growers
Margin protection is an area-based insurance plan that protects producers from a decline in operating margins due to high input costs, low county yield, low commodity prices or any combination.
Marketing Strategies for Idaho Wheat Producers: Identifying Top Performers
Grain markets have significantly changed over the past thirty years, but many wheat growers still rely solely on the elevator quote at harvest time. Discover a better approach in this study of the...
Outdoor Recreation Demand and Expenditures: Lower Snake River Reservoirs
RES 159 Outdoor recreation demand and expenditures: Lower Snake River Reservoirs This publication outlines the results of two surveys conducted on recreationists at the Lower Snake River reservoirs...
Outdoor Recreation Use And Value: Snake River Basin of Central Idaho
This publication outlines the results of two surveys conducted on recreationists in the Snake River basin in central Idaho for the purpose of measuring their willingness to pay for outdoor...
Owning property is a fundamental right, yet many Americans do not understand the intricacies of those rights. Learn some of the basic issues from nine property rights experts from around the...
Sport-Fishing Use and Value: Lower Snake River Reservoirs
This 84-page manuscript outlines the results of two surveys conducted in 2000 on sport-fisher spending at the Lower Snake River reservoirs. Section 1 covers sport-fishing demand and section 2...
Sport-Fishing Use and Value: Snake River Above Lewiston, Idaho
This 44-page manuscript outlines the results of two surveys conducted in 2000 on sport-fisher spending for trips on the Snake River above Lewiston. A measure of their willingness to pay for the...
Sport-Fishing Use And Value: Snake River Basin of Central Idaho
This 54-page manuscript outlines the results of two surveys conducted in 2000 on sport-fisher spending in the Snake River Basin of central Idaho. A measure of their willingness to pay for fishing...
The Dollar Game: Play scenarios to grow a local economy
Learn how a community builds wealth by playing the Dollar Game, a role-playing exercise for team or individual play. The six-round, nontraditional educational program, which can be incorporated...
The Financial Condition of Idaho Agriculture: 2022
This annual report details the financial health of Idaho agriculture, containing statistics on farm cash receipts, net farm income, government payments, the gross domestic product, and livestock...
The Financial Condition of Idaho Agriculture: 2023
This annual report details the financial health of Idaho agriculture, containing statistics on farm cash receipts, net farm income, government payments, the gross domestic product, and livestock...
The Financial Conditions of Idaho Agriculture: 2024
This annual report details the financial health of Idaho agriculture, containing statistics on farm cash receipts, net farm income, government payments, the gross domestic product, and livestock...
Understanding International Trade: Episode 1, Why Trade and What to Trade?
In this episode, we answer two fundamental but very important questions in international trade: why do countries want to trade with each other and how do countries decide what to produce? To...
Understanding International Trade: Episode 2, World Supply and Demand
In Episode 1, our friend Joe Vandal exports potato chips to Mars and imports memory chips from Mars. What happens if you own a small farm like Roger and produce potato chips for the domestic...
Understanding International Trade: Episode 3, What is a Trade Deficit?
In this video, we look at an accounting issue: "What is the balance of payments among countries?" We often hear the term "trade deficit" in the news. But what exactly is a trade deficit? Is a trade...
Understanding International Trade: Episode 4, Winners and Losers of Trade
This is the last video in the series on "Understanding International Trade: The Basic Ideas." If you recall in Episode 1, we showed that countries benefit from free trade. So, if trade is good, why...
Understanding International Trade: The Basic Ideas
Welcome to the video series, Understanding International Trade: The Basic Ideas. This video provides a brief overview and introduction to the video series. International trade affects both...
Wheat Export from the United States and from Columbia River Ports
Over the past fifteen years, a broader array of exporters has impacted global wheat trade. As a result, producers face increased competition. Nearly 80% of the nation’s wheat crop is exported...