Identifying and Managing Christmas Tree Diseases, Pests, and Other Problems/Identificación y Control de Enfermedades, Plagas, y Otros Problemas en Árboles de Navidad
December 31, 2013
This full-color, bilingual (English and Spanish) field guide is for tree growers, field workers and anyone else interested in Christmas tree production. It features descriptions of diseases, pests, disorders and damage affecting Christmas trees, and describes how to identify and manage these problems. Includes management calendars; susceptibility scales; over 100 color photos; and a glossary of terms. Pocket-sized and printed on water-resistant paper, it is perfect for using in the field. The content is also available as a mobile-friendly, bilingual website.
Produced by Oregon State University. Reviewed by WSU specialist Gary Chastagner.
120 pages
Orders are filled through Oregon State University.