2021 PNW Insect Management Handbook
March 31, 2021
A comprehensive guide to insect management in commercial crops and environments and in home landscapes and gardens in the Pacific Northwest.
Covers pesticide safety and toxicity, protecting bees, adjuvants, mixing tables, calibration and biological control. Other sections cover a wide variety of agricultural and nonagricultural products such as commercial vegetables, small fruit, turf and ornamentals, hay and pasture, grains, seeds, home gardens, greenhouses, livestock, poultry, household and public health. Each section describes pests, the damage they do and recommended management.
Fully indexed. Revised annually. Revision dates are listed at the start of each article and section.
The handbook is three-ring binder ready, published as a package with full-color slip cover and spine and three-hole drilled body. Binder not included.
Editor: Navneet Kaur, Revised May 2021
850 pages
Orders for the printed handbook are filled through Oregon State University
Toll-free: 1-800-561-6719
Email: puborders@oregonstate.edu
To order: https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/insect