Tower Trick-or-Treat
Theophilus Tower Trick-or-Treat is Housing & Residence Life's oldest community service tradition. Students in the Tower community and the Residence Hall Association have been working together to create an incredible experience for children that will let them stay safe while trick or treating.
Please join us from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26, for the 46th annual Tower Trick-or-Treat event. This years theme is fantasy.
The most rewarding part of the Theophilus Tower Trick-or-Treat from Housing & Residence Life's perspective is knowing that for many children, this is their first introduction to the University of Idaho and Vandal living, and it creates a bond between them and the university. Tower residents are proud to be able to serve the community during this uncertain time and provide families an opportunity to get out of the house on Halloween, while staying safe.
Event Sponsors

“I take my kids to the Tower every year, and they can't wait to see the floor themes and costumes. One year, the bottom floor of the Tower was decorated with an Alice in Wonderland theme, and we were Alice, the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat. My kids loved it. As a parent, it makes me happy to trick-or-treat in one place, out of the weather and getting great candy in the process!”
— Charity Wight, Mother of two, Moscow ID
“Every year my residents get very involved in decorating the floor. Residents start decorating in early October and they even coordinate costumes to the theme. My residents love seeing kids’ reactions as they walk through their floor and are rewarded when a child asks to take a picture with them. The residents keep their Halloween decorations up for the rest of the year.”
— Keely Snow, Tower Resident Assistant, 2016