About the Foundation
The mission of the University of Idaho Foundation is to inspire, manage, and distribute private support to enhance the excellence of the University of Idaho.
TAX ID: 23-7098404
- The University of Idaho Foundation was established in 1970 to attract private financial support to aid in the achievement of institutional goals and to manage assets for the benefit of the University of Idaho.
- The U of I Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors that includes a maximum of 25 volunteer voting members.
- The U of I Foundation receives gifts in a variety of forms that include cash contributions, marketable securities and real estate, and through planned giving opportunities such as bequests, gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and others.
- Numerous endowments are funded through charitable contributions each year. Most endowed funds are in the Consolidated Investment Trust (CIT), the U of I Foundation's pooled endowment fund. The principal is non-expendable; investment earnings support scholarships, faculty development, research and other programs in accordance with the donor's wishes.
- The University of Idaho Foundation is one of the largest charitable foundations in the state of Idaho.