On Campus Degrees
Problem Solving for Nature
Work alongside internationally recognized faculty leading natural resources research in pursuit of your degree and make an impact on the problems facing our natural world. Our research encompasses a wide range of natural resource disciplines and offers Master’s and Doctoral degrees.
Fast Facts:
- Choose research from a wide range of disciplines
- Unique research facilities including an experimental forest, a combustion laboratory, and cutting-edge GIS facilities
- Ready access to thousands of acres of working forests, rangelands and waterways
- Conduct research on 2.3 million pristine acres at the Taylor Wilderness Research Station
Biogeochemical Cycling and Ecophysiology
Ecology (theory, applied, modeling / community, organism, etc.)
Endangered Species
Environmental Education
Environmental Political Science, Attitudes and Behaviors
Fisheries Sciences
Forest Biometrics and Silviculture (including FBRI Fellowship)
Forest Operations
Forest Sciences (excl. operations and pathology)
Genetics and Molecular Ecology
Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Earth Sciences
Global Environmental Change
Human Dimensions
Natural Resource Economics
Pathology, Insects, and non-fire Disturbances
Policy Analysis and Land-Use Planning
Rangeland Sciences
Remote Sensing, GIS, and Ecosystem Modeling
Renewable Materials (incl. forest products)
Restoration and Regeneration (incl. nursery sciences)
Rural Community Development and Planning
Social Impact Assessment
Tribal and Traditional Knowledge
Water Resources
Wildland Fire Sciences
Wildlife Sciences
Atmospheric Issues
Biodiversity and Evolution
Climate Change
Community and Human Dimensions
Earth Sciences: Cryosphere
Earth Sciences: Geomorphology
Earth Sciences: Hydrology
Earth Sciences: Seismology
Ecology: Animals & Insects
Ecology: Humans
Ecology: Plants
Environmental Chemistry and Materials
Environmental Education and Communication
Environmental Epidemiology and Entomology
Environmental Policy, Law, and Regulations
Food and Fiber
Human Health
Modeling, GIS, and Remote Sensing
Waste Management, Reclamation, and Remediation
Water Resources: Drinking Water
Water Resources: Reservoirs, Aquifers, and Rivers
Water Resources: Watershed Management