Career Impact Award
Brought to you by Career Services
The Career Impact Award annually recognizes one faculty and one staff member who have gone above and beyond in encouraging and supporting the career exploration, readiness and success of U of I students.
Career Services believes all faculty and staff at U of I play an integral role in preparing students for career success. This award is offered annually to one faculty member and one staff member whose work helps advance Career Services' mission to provide U of I students and alumni with services and resources that empower them as they make critical life decisions and pursue career success.
Eligibility and Nomination
To nominate a faculty or staff member for this award, please submit your nomination no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 16.
This award is open to all U of I faculty and staff across the state (Career Services staff are not eligible). Anyone from U of I can nominate (including students and alumni). Award recipients will receive a monetary award, recognition and a plaque from Career Services.
Questions? Contact Career Services at 208-885-6121 or
2023-24 Faculty Winner
Erick Larson
Student Engagement Director and Clinical Associate Professor of Business Management, CBE

Erick Larson is instrumental in guiding students for life following graduation. He encourages students to recognize and articulate their skills, often hosting workshops to help students understand and convey their abilities to potential employers. Larson's commitment to students goes beyond academics by ensuring they can contribute meaningfully to their professional lives, offering continued support and advice even after graduation. Larson promotes career and opportunities for his students whenever possible. Larson invites alumni to meet students personally and keeps track of businesses and organizations that have a history of hiring University of Idaho graduates.
2023-24 Staff Winners
Elizabeth Bullers
Director of Recruitment, CBE

Elizabeth Bullers is a compassionate advisor who actively listens to students’ concerns and challenges. Bullers believes in empowering students to make informed choices. She takes the time to clarify their values, goals, interests, and strengths by understanding what truly matters to each student and helps them align their academic and career paths accordingly. Leveraging her up-to-date field and industry knowledge, whether it’s networking events, workshops, or internship opportunities, Bullers opens doors for our students. She actively encourages students to seek out hands-on experiences beyond the classroom and emphasizes the importance of practical learning. Her dedication to experiential education enriches students’ academic journey.
Olivia Lebens
Training Coordinator, Center on Disabilities & Human Development
For more than 10 years, Olivia Lebens has been a steadfast supporter for students pursuing careers in human services and those who plan to work with people with disabilities. Students join the CDHD's Interdisciplinary Training Program from a variety of majors and with a diversity of academic and career interests. No matter what their career trajectory, by the time they conclude their training experience at the CDHD, all students are better prepared to approach their work with an appreciation for diversity, equitable approaches to practice and a philosophy of inclusion. Lebens works tirelessly to help students acquire professional development experiences to prepare them to meet the demands of their careers while embracing these values.
Past Recipients
Faculty Winners
Nathan Schiele
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Schiele involves undergraduates in research early in their academic careers, which helps introduce students to possible career options and paths. He regularly meets with students to talk about their career objectives and helps them plan for a purposeful life after graduation. In addition, he constantly encourages students to apply for grants, conferences and outreach opportunities.
Ryanne Pilgeram
Culture, Society and Justice
Pilgeram reorganized a senior capstone course into two tracks — one for students applying for graduate school and a second for students who will be leaving the university and looking for work. Not only has she redesigned the course to benefit student’s career needs, but she has emphasized practical and personal skills in the process. In addition, each week she has a different alumnus talk about how they pursued and found work after leaving University of Idaho.
Staff Winner
Sophie Becker
Academic Advising Advisor — CLASS
Becker invites her students to consider their unique values and articulate their life goals both within the context of higher education and beyond. Recently, Becker has created a pilot major exploration program that is focused on discovery and uses interactive cards to narrow in on majors of interest.