Chelsea Goicoechea
Resume feedback helps accounting major move on to medical technology company Stryker
"I graduated from the University of Idaho in May 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in accounting. While in college, I visited U of I Career Services many times to update my resume and learn some tips and ricks for interviews both on the phone and in-person.
"Career Services staff was extremely helpful in providing feedback and providing me with various informational packets. I attended multiple job and internship fairs and was able to connect with the medical technology company Stryker. I went through the interview process and landed an internship in the accounting department at Stryker Endoscopy.
Since graduation, I have transitioned from a business analyst in the accounting department to a sales recruiter in the human resources department. As a sales recruiter, I recruit the sales representatives and the associate sales representatives for our company
I absolutely love working for Stryker because of the opportunity I have for growth and advancement, the relationships I have made, and the mission behind our company."
— Chelsea Goicoechea '12