Jemila Chellappa
Jemila Chellappa
Area Extension Educator — Cropping Systems
University of Idaho Extension, Canyon County
501 Main Street
Caldwell, Idaho 83605
As an area Extension educator, Jemila focuses on enhancing sustainable agriculture and resilient cropping systems, addressing farming challenges in southwest Idaho through research, evidence-based solutions and collaborative partnerships.
Ph.D., Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, TN, India, 2018
M.S., Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, TN, India, 2014
B.Sc., Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, TN, India, 2012
- Conservation tillage practices
- Cover crops
- Fertilizer and nutrient management
- Soil carbon fractions
- Integrated crop-livestock management
- Long‐term conservation and conventional tillage systems impact physical and biochemical soil health indicators in a corn–soybean rotation
- Nitrogen fertilizer and landscape position affect soil aggregate size distribution, and intra-aggregate carbon and nitrogen under switchgrass in a marginal cropland
- Labile soil carbon and nitrogen fractions under short and long-term integrated crop–livestock agroecosystems
- Soil organic carbon, aggregate stability and biochemical activity under tilled and no-tilled agroecosystems
- Evaluating the effect of phosphatic fertilizers on soil and plant P availability and maximizing rice crop yield
Jemila will address the needs of producers and other stakeholders to identify the emerging issues in the southwest Idaho cropping system and deliver research-based education on recent advances in best management practices to improve crop production and productivity.
Emphasize learning opportunities on farm safety, conservation practices, soil fertility and nutrient management, soil health and water quality.
- First place in 2021 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Photo Contest, for “Seed germination” photo under Soil Science Society of America: Soil Sustains life (2021).
- Third place in 2021 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Photo Contest, for “Soil moisture sensors” photo under ASA, CSSA, and SSSA | Tools at Work (2021).
- First place in 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Photo Contest, for “Agronomic arena of seed soil: Bondage of life” photo under Agronomic Society of America: Agronomy Feeds the World category (2020).
- Received Gold Medal for Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Soil Science at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu, India (2019).
- Elected as a Senior Students Women Welfare Coordinator of Tamil Nadu under All India Agricultural Students Association (2018).
- Recognized by International Plant Nutrition Institute, USA for the IPNI Research Scholar Award (2017).
- Elected as a State Coordinator (Documentation) of Tamil Nadu under All India Agricultural Students Association (2017).
- Qualified ICAR-National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (2016).
- Received Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF 2015-16) for pursuing doctorate research programme approved by University Grants Commission (2015).
- Received Gold Medal and Prof. T. Balakrishna prize for securing the highest cumulative grade points obtained in all courses offered in M.Sc. Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, degree programme at AC & RI, Madurai, TN, India (2014).
- Holder of TNAU Junior Research Fellowship Sponsored by Rhastriya Chemicals and fertilizers Pvt. Ltd. for pursuing Post Graduate research programme (2013-14).
- Held a position as secretary in the Rotaract Club (2010- 2011).