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Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 Moscow, ID 83844-2332

Phone: 208-885-7982

Fax: 208-885-9046



Intermountain West (IMW)

What They Are

  • Any publication that applies to Idaho, Montana and Wyoming (excluding research bulletins)


  • General public
  • Sub-populations of the general public
  • Other Extension educators
  • Industry workers (loggers, farmers, childcare workers, etc.)
  • Residents of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming


  • The format is the same as the initial type of publication (BUL or EVS – no ECS or EMS at this time)
  • Project proceeds through the U of I peer-review process and then goes through an additional peer-review process with the Montana State University and the University of Wyoming
  • Final publication is listed in all three schools' online catalogs
What They Aren't

Intermountain West publications serve readers in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Any publication manuscript (aside from research bulletins) that has been approved for Extension publishing in Idaho can be proposed for IMW publishing if its content applies regionwide.

Intermountain West Publishing Guidelines

The first steps of the process for IMW publishing follow the steps for the publication type it applies to, which can include

When you submit your proposal form and your manuscript to FastTrack, include a statement of intent to publish to the IMW series in the “notes to the editor” section of each FastTrack submission. This will alert us to prepare for IMW review.

  • After the subeditor has accepted your manuscript through FastTrack, the UI Extension Publishing editor will send your manuscript to the IMW representatives at Montana and Wyoming for review.
  • IMW reviewers will ensure the content applies to their state.
  • IMW reviewers are given two weeks to complete reviews.
  • IMW reviewers can reject the publication if the content does not apply to their state. If either Montana or Wyoming reject the publication, then it cannot be published as a IMW publication and it will revert back to the original, applicable Extension pub series (BUL or EVS).

  • IMW reviewers can include suggested edits for authors to improve the applicability to their state.
  • The UI Extension Publishing editor will make reviews available to authors via email.
  • Authors may need to resubmit a revised manuscript for final review before IMW acceptance. If authors disagree with any of the suggested edits, they can include a separate document addressing the suggested edits and why they disagree.
  • Once the reviewers accept the revised manuscript, you may submit the final files.

Collect final files into one folder and compress them into a zip file. Attach the compressed file to your manuscript submission. (Use "add attachment" at the bottom of the "submission summary" box.) See also the author guide for your product type.


  • Supply manuscripts as minimally formatted files double-spaced in Microsoft Word. Do not apply color, embed figures or tables, add borders or rules, etc.
  • Cite each table and figure in the manuscript. Provide a detailed caption for each figure and a title for each table. Number all figures sequentially and number tables sequentially as well but separate from the figures.
  • Identify all authors by name, descriptive title and affiliation (e.g., Justin Clements, Extension Specialist, University of Idaho Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology, Moscow).
  • If you include a Further Reading section, identify your bibliographic style.
  • Supply tables each in a separate Word or Excel file. Keep formatting simple. Except in unusual circumstances, do not include vertical rules, colors or other embellishments.


  • For each piece of artwork, provide the name of the artist or copyright holder.
  • Graphs and charts
  • Submit graphs and charts, each in its own file, in Excel if possible, to allow manipulation of the file (for example, to make all the figures in a publication match one another in typography, rule width, etc.).
  • Otherwise, provide graphs and charts in PDF or EPS.
  • Line art (illustrations)
  • Supply the original artwork if created on paper. If the artwork was created digitally, supply the original file type in which the graphic was created.
  • If the original application file is unavailable, submit a high-resolution TIFF or vector EPS file.
  • Submit alt text for tables, figures and artwork in a separate Word document titled “Alt Text.” Alt Text is a brief, written description of an image to aid readers who have a visual impairment and/or have a sensory processing and/or learning disability. View Alt Text Tips under General Resources.

Digital and print photos

  • Supply original print images or high-resolution digital photos in TIFF, JPEG, or EPS.
  • Supply images as individual files — not within the Word document.
  • Pay attention to image resolution. We require a minimum of 300 dpi at the desired dimensions for use in printed publications (assume 3 by 5 inches unless the art is expected to run larger, as on the cover). (Files bigger than 1 MB are usually okay.)
  • Submit alt text for tables, figures and artwork in a separate Word document titled “Alt Text.” Alt Text is a brief, written description of an image to aid readers who have a visual impairment and/or have a sensory processing and/or learning disability. View Alt Text Tips under General Resources.


  • Supply written permission to use any copyrighted material.
  • No permission is required to quote from works produced by the US government, but permission normally is required to quote from works by state agencies, including other land-grant universities.
  • Provide any specific wording required in the credit line.

Final Submission Checklist

Word document of text file

  • Limited formatting and free of graphic design elements
  • Double-spaced
  • No tables or other illustrations embedded

Table files

  • Excel file preferred (alternative option: EPS file), labeled “Table 1,” “Table 2,” etc.

Figure files

  • In original application file or as a high-resolution TIFF or EPS file
  • Labeled “Figure 1,” “Figure 2,” etc.

Table and figure captions

  • As a Word document file separate from the manuscript Word document
  • Label each caption so it’s clear which table or figure it goes to (“Figure 1,” “Table 1,” etc.)

Permissions paperwork

  • Include any copyright permissions (letter, email, etc.)

Alt Text file

  • Submit as one Word Document, each entry referenced by its corresponding Table or Figure number.

  • Extension Publishing has multiple designers on staff for document layout and design.
  • If you have an expedited timeline, Extension Publishing can hire a freelance designer using funds you provide.
  • We will send a final design proof to the corresponding author for final review. It is up to the corresponding author to share with other authors on the project.

  • Once we receive approval from the corresponding author, we post the publication.
  • The UI Extension Publishing online catalog provides access to titles. Printed publications are sold by Extension Publishing. The University of Idaho Library makes our titles available online through its Digital Initiatives.
  • Montana and Wyoming will link to our catalog listing in their online catalogs.

  • It is our policy to request a content review of active publications every four years to ensure the content is still accurate and current.
  • If we do not receive a response, we will remove the publication from our online catalog as we can’t ensure the accuracy of the content.
  • An archival copy of the publication will remain available through the U of I Library.


Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 Moscow, ID 83844-2332

Phone: 208-885-7982

Fax: 208-885-9046

