Beginning a Recruitment Effort
The recruitment process involves developing and finalizing the job description, advertising the position, screening and interviewing applications and selecting a final candidate.
Recruitment Contacts
- Equal Opportunity Coordinators are assigned to their role by a hiring authority. The EOC’s are the first line of review and involved in all stages of the recruitment and hiring process. EOC’s work with the hiring authority and search committee to adequately document all recruitment and hiring processes. View the list of current EO Coordinators.
- The Human Resources Department reviews position descriptions and computes target salaries for classified and exempt staff employees. Questions can be directed to
- The Recruitment Operations Lead in Human Resources serves as a consultant to users of the recruiting system, PeopleAdmin, and can provide information on the hiring process. Questions may be directed to 885-3611 or
- Employment Equity and Compliance is charged with oversight and monitoring affirmative action and equal opportunity compliance in the recruitment and hiring processes. They are the university resource for recruitment and hiring strategy, and oversee search committee activity to ensure a fair and equitable recruitment and hiring process. Questions may be directed to
Staff Recruitment Process
A department may have had a resignation or needs to hire a new employee due to a new project or increased volume. Once it is determined that there is a need to hire, the unit should secure executive approval from the appropriate executive level and keep it on file at the unit level. There should also be documented hiring moratorium approval, if applicable.
- Hiring Moratorium Information
- Hiring Moratorium Request Form (non-academic staff)
The supervisor of the position should create or update the job description as needed. The following resources are available for job description development:
Once the position description has been developed or updated, it is time to start an action in PeopleAdmin. An action allows a unit to create a new position description or modify an existing one while ensuring necessary review has taken place at all levels. The action also includes posting info so the posting can be automatically created upon action approval.
The Initiator role will start the action and send it forward to Class/Comp Review (staff) or Provost/EVP (faculty).
The action travels through an assigned workflow before final approval. Each stakeholder will review and move forward. Required workflow stop review includes HRS for staff, or the Provost's Office for faculty and Unit/College Review.
Optional stops include:
- Office of Sponsored Programs (grant funded positions),
- Additional approvers such as the dean, second-level supervisor or a fiscal officer
- EEO (search waiver or search exception approval)
Refer to the following resources for assistance:
At the final action stop, HRS will review and make any necessary updates to the position control number, and position description, then approve the action. At this point the position description has been finalized. HRS will then initiate and publish the posting.
The unit has the option to add posting documents, search committee members and guest users at the action stage, or, they can add them upon the posting being initiated. The Search Coordinator or Unit/College Review role can access postings in posted, reposted, or closed state and can add search committee members, guest users, documents, or request that other changes be made as needed.
After the position has been posted to the U of I jobs listings page, hiring units can initiate additional advertising for the position. The Office of Employment Equity and Compliance is available for consultation.
A third-party advertising vendor, Job Elephant, will receive a feed of posted positions and set up advertising through pre-determined venues free of charge to the hiring department.
If additional advertising is desired, the hiring unit will initiate submissions to venues/list servs, or send an advertising request to Job Elephant for assistance.
Review of applications can take place at any time after the position is posted. Once the posting has met the first consideration date or closing date, the Search Committee may move forward with deciding which candidates to interview.
The Search Coordinator will move applicants who have applied by the first consideration date forward to Request for Interview, Reserve Status, Not Interviewed Not Hired or Does Not Meet Required Qualifications for review by EEO.
Upon being approved for interview, EEO will move the applicant to a status of Approved for Interview, and a representative of the hiring unit may reach out to candidate to offer an interview. Any subsequent interviews after the first interview approval are automatically approved, no additional approvals needed. Units may move candidates left in reserve forward for interview at a later date.
- Staff Application/Hiring Workflow
- Faculty Application/Hiring Workflow
- Search Coordinator Guide
- Selecting and Preparing a Search Committee
- Interview Guide for Committee Members
- Search Committee Member Login
- Office of Employment Equity and Compliance Search Committee Information/Training
- Office of Employment Equity and Compliance Recruitment Guides
- Reference Checking Guide
- Reference Check Form
After a final candidate has been selected, the Search Coordinator will transition the application to Request for Hire which will require a justification reason and strengths and weaknesses for all interviewed candidates be uploaded to the Posting Documents section of the posting.
EEO will review the request for hire, and if approved, will then move the application forward to Target Salary Calculation
HRS or the Provost's Office will calculate the candidate’s target salary based on application materials and enter it into the comments when moving the application forward to Ready for Contingent Offer.
Once the application has been moved to Ready for Contingent Offer the candidate can be contacted and contingently offered the position based on the results of a background check.
Staff Offer letter templates:
- Offer letter template - classified
- Offer letter template - exempt
- Offer letter template - current employee accepting new U of I position - classified
- Offer letter template - current employee accepting new U of I position - exempt
- Offer letter template - postdoctoral fellow
- Offer letter template - temp and student
The Provost's Office drafts offer letters for faculty members and approvals for contingent offer. For information on faculty appointments, visit
Once the contingent offer has been accepted, the Search Coordinator can move the application can be moved to Background Check. At this time, the hiring unit should submit the online request for background check.
Once the background check request has been submitted, HRS will send a background check invitation link to the candidate, or, will respond confirming that a successful background check is already on file.
Upon successful completion of the background check, the college/unit final review can move the application can be moved to Hired. and move the posting to Filled. Time to onboard!
- Staff Action and Posting Workflow pdf
- Staff Application and Hiring Workflow pdf
- Faculty Action and Posting Workflow pdf
- Faculty Application and Hiring Workflow pdf
- Faculty Update Existing Position Workflow pdf
- Student/Temporary Posting Workflow pdf
- Student/Temporary Application and Hiring Workflow pdf
- Hiring Moratorium pdf
- Hiring Moratorium Hiring Request docx
- Hire Processing pdf
- Advertising Requirements pdf
- Selecting and Preparing a Search Committee pdf
- Interview Guide for Committee Members pdf
- Reference Check Guidelines
- Reference Check Form pdf
- Child Labor Forms and CBC Consent pdf