Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: Inspire
- Engage and collaborate with U of I leadership and partners, stakeholders, community and Foundation Board
- Cultivate an informed constituency on Foundation operations
- Inspire donors to realize philanthropic goals
- Partner with others through robust, deliberate engagement and collaboration
- Develop joint strategic fundraising and stewardship efforts with the university
- Provide U of I engagement opportunities and information about the university and Foundation for Board members
- Extend U of I influence
- Inform and enhance information delivery to all stakeholders
- Provide community awareness of the Foundation
- Spark interest in giving to U of I and develop trust with new as well as loyal donors
Goal 2: Manage
- Direct and manage Foundation operations and gift administration with excellence, integrity and respect
- Sustain donor confidence
- Exercise fiduciary responsibility
- Grow and protect the endowment
- Provide stewardship of assets
- Streamline, automate and innovate the gift experience and operational process
- Mitigate risks associated with gifts to protect U of I and the Foundation
- Work collaboratively to ensure a positive, donor-centric experience
- Explore ways to structure gifts which benefit both the donor and the university
- Enhance and manage donor relations
- Automate and streamline financial processes and procedures
Goal 3: Distribute
- Support the University's Strategic Plan
- Enhance the stewardship of gift distribution
- Cultivate philanthropy and support to U of I
- Align priorities between U of I leadership and the Foundation to best support university strategies
- Provide U of I sustainable resources to achieve its goals
- Encourage and manage unrestricted gifts
- Honor donors' wishes to ensure the integrity of gift distributions
- Assist donors in achieving philanthropic goals