Thank you for expressing interest in the University of Idaho’s Architecture Bootcamp for Summer 2025. Bootcamp teaches basic design principles, foundational techniques of architectural design and representation, and basic materials and methods of construction. The goal of the Bootcamp is to prepare students who cannot (or do not need to) go through our entire foundations sequence in order to move on to the professional architectural degree, the M.Arch.
Please note that Bootcamp is intense: eight weeks, eight hours a day, five days a week in class + homework (on average 20 hours a week outside of class time), so you will need to commit your summer to it in order to succeed. We say this because, bootcamp is equivalent to the normal process of applying for acceptance into the 3rd year of the architecture program – it is not guaranteed. Although most students matriculate into the 3rd year of the architecture program after Bootcamp, some may be advised to take or retake parts of second year sequence; placement depends on performance.
(Students may also use Bootcamp as preparation for the B.IAD degree – if you intend to do this please consult with the IAD Program about their requirements and expectations.)
Architecture Bootcamp Classes and Schedule Summer 2025
Undergraduate students take two courses for 10 credits:
- ARCH 2660 Materials and Methods (3 credits): Introduces physical and performance characteristics of materials, and concepts, conventions and processes of construction methods. Provides a foundation for subsequent courses in architectural technology and design.
When? Session I: 6/9/25-6/20/25, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- ARCH 2570 Architectural Design Bootcamp (7 credits): Intensive introduction to various design processes from concept to schematic to design development. Acquisition of a beginning level of both graphic and architectural design literacy, design thinking strategies, and aesthetic awareness. Development of basic design communication skills.
Prerequisites: Architecture Permission. Students must have earned 45 credits of undergraduate coursework in any field prior to registration.
When? Session II: 6/23/25-7/31/25, Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Graduate students take three courses for 10 credits:
- ARCH 2660 Materials and Methods (3 credits): Introduces physical and performance characteristics of materials, and concepts, conventions and processes of construction methods. Provides a foundation for subsequent courses in architectural technology and design.
When? Session I: 6/9/25-6/20/25, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- ARCH 5520 Alternate Graduate Design Experience (6 credits): Immersive design explorations in architecture outside of the vertical studio experience
When? Session II: 6/23/25-7/31/25, Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- ARCH 5140 Introduction to Graduate Architecture Research (1 credits): This course is a discussion-based class aimed at familiarizing new architecture graduate students with possible research directions for their graduate project.
- Drawing board 24" x 36" or larger BORCO covered drawing board or non-textured matte board.
- Sketchbook 8 1/2”x 11” sketchbook of drawing paper (Bateman). Spiralbound is easier to use.
- T-square 36" length minimum (or a Mayline if you own one)
- Triangle one adjustable inking triangle, 10” or larger.
- Scale Bar A triangular 12” architectural scale (1/8”, 1/4”, 1/2”, 1”, etc.)
- Pencils (4) Drawing pencils: 4H, HB, 6B, #314
- Pens Black fine-point disposable technical pens: 01, 03, 05,07
- Colored Pencils A good brand is Lyra. Small set.
- Pencil Sharpener Preferably one that holds the pencil shavings Erasers White plastic eraser for pencil and a kneaded rubber eraser for charcoal/conte
- Drafting Tape Dots are also available
- Cutting Edge 18” Metal ruler with a cork backing.
- Glue Aleene’s original “Tacky” glue or Sobo is good for models
- Cutting Mat Self-healing at least 9”x12”
- X-acto Knife with 500 #11 blades
- Tracing Paper One 18” wide roll - buff, canary, or white.
- Tape Measure 6’, 10’, or 12’ (lightweight). Good for measuring the sizes of objects being
- Padlock To lock up all your new and valuable equipment
- Book Building Construction Illustrated by Frank Ching : BCI @ Amazon
- Engineer Scale Bar A triangular 12” engineering scale (10’, 20’, 30’, 40’, 50’,60’)
- Paint brush for watercolors (size 6, 8, or 10)
- Watercolor set Yarka @ $3.50
- Small Binder Clips Useful for hanging drawings and marking your scale bar Erasing Shield Good for drafting and finer work
- Drafting Brush Useful for cleaning paper and for cleaning your drafting surface
- Utility Knife either snap-off or with replaceable blades
- Scissors Good quality for general cutting.
- Lamp(s) Swing Arms are the most economical
- Markers Prismacolor or Copic
- Light Table Small and portable—useful for tracing. Eg. Amazon light table
- Vellum 11”x17” sheets for presentations.
- Paper 18” x 24” bond drawing paper (white)
Have questions about Architecture Bootcamp summer 2025?
Email Emiliano Espasandin at for more information.
Need course registration overrides for Architecture Bootcamp summer 2025?
Email Provide your full name, V number, level (undergraduate courses or graduate courses), boot camp courses needed, and cc to your academic advisor if you have one.