Executive Shadow Program
The Executive Shadow Program places students at companies as familiar as Starbucks and as far away as Chicago—all of whom employ Vandals—for 2-3 days over Spring Break. Meet with the experts to learn more about your field.
During your placement you may take company tours, meet with professionals in several departments to learn about their jobs, or shadow a mentor during meetings or work assignments. The exact structure of your visit is tailored to the company and your professional interests.
Why apply?
- Learn what day-to-day work in your field looks like.
- Network with professionals and get expert career advice.
- Gain confidence for interviews and your first job.
- Meet passionate, engaged professionals and explore the culture of a great company.
- Learn more about career opportunities in your field and clarify your professional goals.
Program Details
- Open to all CBE students.
- We will place successful applicants in companies that meet their interests. Past sites include Micron, URM Stores, Fishers Technology, Starbucks and Kepler Group.
- Trips will be 2-3 days over spring break. All expenses are paid.
- Students will be asked to make a brief presentation about their experience to CBE faculty and/or advisors after they return to campus.
If you have questions or are interested in hosting a student, please contact Elizabeth Bullers at ebullers@uidaho.edu.

“They want to make sure you understand what the company does. You’re not just filing paperwork—you’re as involved as the engineers."
Mikayla Davenport, HR major, who shadowed executives at Micron