Physical Well-being

Physical well-being is more than the absence of disease. At the University of Idaho we recognize the importance of physical well-being and how it contributes to other areas of well-being. Physical well-being includes adequate activity and nutrition, sleep, and accessing medical resources when needed. Empowering students to enhance their physical well-being is an ongoing priority at the University of Idaho, and we’re fortunate to live in a healthy community with great access to recreation, leisure activities, and local food options.
Checking in with healthcare providers is also an important part of physical well-being. Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start. They also can help find problems early, when the chances for treatment and a cure are better. By getting the right health services, screenings and treatments, you are taking steps that help your chances for living a longer, healthier life.
General Health Tips
- If you are sexually active, practice safer sex and get tested for sexually transmitted infections. If you are trying to prevent pregnancy, take time to understand the contraceptive options that are available for you and/or your partners
- Limit your consumption of alcohol and other drugs
- If you smoke cigarettes, chew tobacco, or use electronic nicotine delivery systems, try to quit or cut down
- Be proactive about managing stress
- Learn practical ways to improve the regularity and quality of your sleep
- Eat a healthy, balanced, and nutrient dense diet
- Get regular check-ups — check out the Vandal Health Clinic if you need to get connected with a provider