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U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. Login to SlateConnect.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119


Policy Highlights

Key provisions of the Faculty Staff Handbook, Administrative Procedures Manual and General Catalog are highlighted below. Please refer to those documents for more complete information.

  • FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (“FERPA”), as amended, also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a Federal law that governs the confidentiality of student records. FERPA applies to the education records of persons who are or have been in attendance at U of I. With certain exceptions, education records are those records maintained by U of I which are directly related to a student. See FSH 2600 Student Education Records. Additional information about student records and FERPA can be found on the website of the Office of the Registrar.
  • Admission to class. Only those students who are registered (names appear on the class roster) can be admitted to class. This does not include students who are on the wait list. Wait-listed students can be admitted on a space-available basis only. Instructors must either sign a change of registration form or use the override function on MyUI to allow students to add their classes. Instructors have the authority to grant or deny access to classes by visitors. FSH 4700 F-2.
  • Drop for nonattendance. Instructors may drop students for non-attendance through the sixth business day following the start of the class. Students are responsible for notifying their instructors through the Registrar when extenuating circumstances not covered as an officially approved absence as defined in M-1 prevent their attendance during the first week of the semester. Instructors may drop students who have not attended class or laboratory meetings nor notified the instructor through the Registrar by the end of the sixth business day following the start of the class. Valid reasons for missing classes do not relieve the student of making up the work missed. Catalog M-4.
  • Recording of lectures. Students may electronically record lectures only with the consent of the instructor or as an approved ADA accommodation and with appropriate notification to the instructor. FSH 4700 F-8.
  • Changes to scheduled time or location of classes. The scheduling of required class meetings at times or places other than those specified in the “Class Schedule” or authorized in the course description must follow the procedures in FSH 4610. For additional requirements applicable to irregular class meetings see Catalog O‑9-c.
  • Course objectives and grading system. At the first or second class session, instructors are to discuss course objectives, explain the grading system, including the extent to which grades are affected by attendance. FSH 4700 B.
  • Office hours. To provide students with the opportunity for regularly scheduled, synchronous communication, faculty with teaching duties must offer office hours each week. Faculty may meet with students in person or use technology such as videoconferencing. Schedules are to be posted near each faculty member's office door and, as appropriate, on the course website. FSH 1565 C-1.c.
  • Registration and enrollment requirements for graduate students. Graduate students engaged in any activity requiring faculty or staff time and consultation, or the use of any University facilities, must register (e.g., in a directed study or in an appropriately numbered research course, 500, 599, or 600) for the number of credits appropriate to the effort expected of the student as well as the effort required of the faculty member. Catalog General Graduate Regulations.
  • Proctoring examinations; academic dishonesty. Instructors should proctor examinations diligently and should investigate all cases of suspected or alleged academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, in their classes. FSH 4700 D. Instances of academic dishonesty should be reported following the procedures in FSH 2300.
  • Proscribed subjects. Under the University of Idaho's charter, “no instruction either sectarian in religion or partisan in politics shall ever be allowed in any department of the university” FSH 4700 C.
  • Bicycling, skateboarding, and rollerblading. Bicycling, skateboarding, and rollerblading permitted under conditions outlined in U of I policy. APM 35.35 G.
  • Property insurance. The University of Idaho does not purchase insurance to protect the property of employees or students and will not compensate the owners for loss of or damage to such items except in certain narrow circumstances. Standard homeowner's insurance policies do not necessarily cover losses incurred at the owner's place of work. Employees who have their own property on campus should consult their insurance representatives about coverage for it. APM 5.01 D-6.
  • Drones/Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Personal use of UAS is prohibited on University property. When operated on behalf of the University, use is permitted only as provided under APM 95.35 and 45.35.

  • Critical or life-threatening emergencies
    1. Get to a place of safety and call 911 for immediate assistance. Follow the instructions of the emergency dispatcher.
    2. After calling 911, report the incident to Moscow Campus Security at 208-885-7054.
  • Emergencies affecting any campus facility
    • Day: Call the main Facilities Management telephone, 208-885‑6246
    • Night: Call Moscow Campus U of I Security dispatch at 208-885-7054.
  • Emergency planning. Additional information about emergency planning can be found on the Emergency Management website.
  • Obligation to report violent or threatening behavior. Anyone having knowledge about violent or threatening behavior should report it as follows:
    • Emergency or life-threatening incident: Call 911 and then report it to the appropriate University official, as described in APM 95.33.
    • All other incidents: Report it to the appropriate University official, as described in APM 95.33.

In order to foster healthy professional relationships at all levels of the institution, it is the policy of the University of Idaho that no employee shall enter into or continue a romantic or sexual relationship with a student or employee over whom she or he exercises academic, administrative, supervisory, evaluative, counseling or other authority. FSH 3205. FSH 3205.

The University prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, age, disability or military status. This policy applies to all programs, services, and facilities. Students or employees with concerns or complaints about harassment or discrimination, including sexual misconduct, should bring them to the attention of the Office of Civil Rights and Investigations (, 208-885-4285). Please refer to FSH 6100 2300, 3200, 3210, 3215 and 3220 for relevant policies.

Use of any tobacco is prohibited in all University-owned and controlled property, facilities, vehicles, and grounds. This policy applies to all students, employees, contractors, volunteers, and visitors on University-owned and controlled property. Tobacco includes cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, electronic nicotine delivery systems, hookah, clove cigarettes and other alternative products made primarily with tobacco. All staff and faculty are encouraged to communicate this policy. APM 35.28.

Students are expected to comply with all U of I policies and will be held accountable for their behavior from the time U of I grants admission through the actual awarding of a degree. See FSH 2300. Students are strongly encouraged to read the below policies in the FSH in their entirety. Questions can be directed to the Dean of Students Office: 208-885-6757;

The CDAR coordinates services to meet the educational needs of students with temporary or permanent disabilities. Students needing accommodations to fully participate in a class should contact CDAR as soon as possible. All accommodations must be approved through CDAR prior to being implemented. To learn more about the accommodation process, visit CDAR at the Bruce M. Pitman Center Room 127, visit their website or call 208-885-6307.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
