Indigenous Knowledge Field Camp
The Indigenous Knowledge Field Camp (IKFC) is a cultural immersion experience aimed at recognizing the intersections of Native traditional knowledge and Western science through a four-day experience on Native American land. The trip will take participants through Spalding Nez Perce Historical park, Winchester State park, Nez Perce Tribal Fish Hatchery, Whitebird Battlefield, and finally rafting down the Salmon River. Activities throughout the experience will provide opportunities for increased cross-cultural understanding through presentations, talks and individual exploration of stories and traditional practices.
Selected faculty and Native student pairs will gain a unique chance to examine their perceptions and beliefs through the duration of the trip. The experience will expose participants to traditional Native American lands, current tribal STEM related programs, and new ways to re-think STEM research conducted in universities by faculty and Native students. The IKFC is available to Native American and Alaska Native STEM graduate students and their faculty mentors. The camp will cover participant's food, rafts, and tour guides, and is free to attend for all those selected to participate.
The 2020 Indigenous Knowledge Field Camp will be held Tuesday, August 4 through Friday, August 7 (with a mandatory pre-trip meeting/dinner on Monday evening, August 3).