Graduate Assistant Resources
Graduate Assistant Institute: August 21, 2025
Any grad students NEW to assistantships must take this training their first semester.
The Graduate Assistant Institute provides professional development opportunities for all graduate assistants and is required for all new teaching and research assistants on the Moscow campus. Students not located on the Moscow campus will be required to complete a Canvas course. Topics include U of I academic policies and procedures, available resources, teaching methods and the responsibilities of conducting responsible research, which are highly beneficial to new graduate assistants.
Graduate Assistants continuing in the same position (TA/RA/SA), who have attended the Graduate Assistant Institute or have taken the Graduate Assistant Canvas online course, are not required to attend this event, but are highly encouraged. The Institute is a great way to refresh your knowledge. If the position type is changing, you will be required to attend.
This training is required to hold an assistantship, failure to participate will result in loss of your assistantship. Please note that because this training is required, you will be paid for your attendance. You must get an Authorization to Work from Human Resources before attending this training. Students unable to attend the in-person Institute will be required to take an online course via Canvas instead. Please contact the College of Graduate Studies for more information:
Note: All new International Teaching Assistants are required to register for INTR 508: Teaching and Learning Strategies for International Teaching Assistants
Fall Graduate Assistant Institute
All new graduate assistants will be required to attend the in-person institute the Thursday prior to the start of the Fall semester (Aug. 21, 2025) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Renfrew 111. Also, if you are a new TA or RA and do not yet have access to the CANVAS course modules, please email and request access. In the meantime, we encourage all graduate assistants to read the Graduate Assistant Handbook as it contains important information on policies and tips as well as an abundance of campus resources.
Grad Assistants can also get a jump start on the Institute by following this guide for "Your First 30 Days: A Checklist for New Student and Temporary Employees".
Unfamiliar with campus? Check out the Interactive Campus Map.
Graduate Assistant Forms
Posted on the faculty and staff resources webpage.
Required Training
The completion of the following three online training modules are required for all Graduate Assistants. These training modules will cover six different topics, including the “Our Inclusive Workplace”, the “University of Idaho Mission and Goals” and the “University of Idaho Stewardship of Resources & Ethical Conduct” training.