Parking Maps
Campus Parking Map
This map includes colored-coded parking lots, pay-to-park lots, motorcycle parking and managed spaces for special permit parking including service, delivery and ADA parking spaces.
Spring Commencement Parking Map
Orange lots 41 and 41D Closure
Campus Core Walkway, Disability, Service and Delivery Parking
This map highlights special-use parking spaces in and around our campus core in greater detail than on the Campus Parking Map.
Meter and Pay Station Map
For brief visits of a few minutes to a couple hours, we recommend utilizing one of the hundreds of parking meter or pay station parking spaces covering campus. This map includes hourly rates, the times when payment is required and maximum parking times.
Fall, Winter & Spring Break Parking Map, Including Overnight Parking and Vehicle Storage
Here's where overnight parking and vehicle storage are permitted on campus during Fall, Winter and Spring Breaks.
Snowy Conditions Overnight Parking Map
During snow and ice conditions, overnight parking is restricted to designated areas within color-coded parking lots.
Summer Break Parking Map, Including Overnight Parking
Here's where overnight parking and vehicle storage are permitted on campus during Summer Break.