Justices and Judges
David W. Gratton
The 2018-2019 jurist-in-residence was Chief Judge David W. Gratton of the Idaho Court of Appeals. Judge Gratton was in residence in Moscow in spring 2019 and, during that time, attended classes, engaged with professors and students, and conducted research with a student on a Fourth Amendment issue. Judge Gratton commented on transitioning to the workplace, service, professionalism, deadlines, building a professional resume, and networking.
Chief Judge David W. Gratton of the Idaho Court of Appeals was born and raised in Emmett and graduated from the University of Idaho College of Law in 1985. Following law school, he served as an extern and law clerk in the Federal Circuit and District courts before joining the law firm of Evans Keane, LLP, where he practiced until his appointment to the Idaho Court of Appeals in 2009 by Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter.
Gerald F. Schroeder
The first jurist-in-residence at the College of Law was Justice Gerald F. Schroeder from the Idaho Supreme Court.

"Judge Gratton was easily accessible and open to talking with all students about his past experiences and about ways that students can succeed in moving forward. He further solidified the strong link between the University of Idaho College of Law and the Idaho judiciary, and provided a great deal of optimism and confidence. His presence on campus exemplifies the unique opportunities provided to our law students!” law student participant