Idaho JRJ Grant Program
2022 Award Year
Deadline: March. 7, 2025
Supporting materials may only be mailed to:
University of Idaho College of Law
Attn: ID JRJ Program
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 2322
Moscow, Idaho 83844-2322
Application Materials Checklist
Please submit the following items to the University of Idaho College of Law:
- Idaho JRJ Program Application (docx)
- Applicant's Employer verification form (docx)
- Complete a Loan Verification Release form (docx) to give permission to the Idaho JRJ Program to obtain information about any additional educational debt:
For loans currently in repayment: Copies of lender statements detailing monthly payment obligation and payment amounts applied to principal and interest.
For loans that are in deferral, grace or forbearance: Current statements from lenders indicating the date first payment will be due and estimated payment obligation are required.
Copies printed from lender website are preferred.
Copy of your loan statements.
- Copies of Applicant's 2023 federal and state tax returns, with appropriate schedules. No worksheets please.
- Required - Signed copy of the JRJ Student Loan Repayment Program Service Agreements (pdf), select the one that applies to you.
The federal government requires an original signature. Please mail, do not fax.
The John R. Justice Student Loan Repayment Program
The John R. Justice Student Loan Repayment Program (JRJ) provides loan repayment assistance for state and federal public defenders and state prosecutors who agree to remain employed as public defenders and prosecutors for at least three years.
For more information about the Idaho JRJ Grant, contact Jessica Long email:
phone: 208-885-6541
fax: 208-885-4628
University of Idaho
College of Law
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 2322
Moscow, Idaho 83844-2322