Idaho Falls
Alice Allen
Director, Student Recruitment/Engagement

David Arcilesi
Assistant Professor
Campus: Idaho Falls
Area of Expertise: Reactor thermal hydraulics, thermal sciences
R. A. Borrelli, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Nuclear Engineering, Graduate Faculty
Campus: Idaho Falls
Courses: Principles of Nuclear Engineering, Master's Research and Thesis, Risk Assessment
Areas of Expertise: Advanced fuel cycle analysis, Open source scientific computing, Pyroprocessing, Safeguards- and security-by-design, Geologic repository design, Neutronics, Nuclear hybrid energy systems analysis, Cybersecurity, plant modernization, digital I&C, Risk assessment, management
Constantinos (Costas) Kolias, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Campus: Idaho Falls
Courses: Network Security
Areas of Expertise: Security and privacy for the Internet of Things (IoT), Security for Industrial Systems, Smartgrid and Critical Infrastructures, Distributed and Privacy-preserving Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Wireless communications security, Development of testbeds for security purposes
Idaho Falls - College of Engineering - University of Idaho
Robert Hiromoto, Ph.D.
Center for Advanced Energy Studies 258
Campus: Idaho Falls
Courses: Wireless Communication Protocols for UAVs, Parallel Programming, Parallel Algorithms, Concurrent Systems
Areas of Expertise: parallel algorithms, languages and architectures, wireless protocols for cooperating UAVs and robots, encryption/decryption techniques
Dennis Keiser, Ph.D.
Faculty, Technology Management

Donald McEligot, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor
Campus: Idaho Falls
Areas of Expertise: Fluid dynamics: complex turbulent and transitional shear flow, entropy generation; convective heat transfer; experimental, analytical and computational approaches/thermal hydraulics
Michael McKellar
Assistant Research Professor
Campus: Idaho Falls
Amin Mirkouei, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, Industrial Technology
Lee Ostrom, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
TAB 307
Campus: Idaho Falls
Courses: Project Engineering, Project Risk Assessment, Capstone I and II, Industrial Ergonomics
Areas of Expertise: Risk assessment, human factors, ergonomics, industrial safety
Dakota Roberson, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor
CAES 278
Campus: Idaho Falls
Areas of Expertise: Power System Control (Wide-area damping using active power modulation such as HVDC, energy storage, etc., Detection and correction of latency in closed-loop controllers, Variable loop gain strategies, Coupling of distributed systems, Energy storage controller technology for smoothing, arbitrage, AGC, etc.), Statistical Signal Processing (Estimation/Detection Theory, Cramer-Rao Lower Bound, Saddlepoint Approximations and other high-order approximation techniques)
Alex Vakanski, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, Industrial Technology
TAB 311
Campus: Idaho Falls
Courses: Engineering Graphics, Quality Assurance Organization and Management, Computer Integrated and Robotics Manufacturing Technology, Fundamentals of Unmanned Aerial Systems, Mechatronics Systems
Areas of Expertise: Cognitive robotics, learning from demonstration, Vision-based control of robots, Machine learning and artificial intelligence, Control systems and automation
Min Xian, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
TAB 309
Campus: Idaho Falls
Areas of Expertise: Data topology modeling, Biomedical big data analysis, Robust data analysis, Machine learning, Computer vision and image analysis
Haiyan Zhao, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor
Center for Advanced Energy Studies 257
Campus: Idaho Falls
Areas of Expertise: catalysis for environment and fuels, electrochemistry, corrosion, molten salts/ionic liquids, pyroprocessing, fuel cycle, waste form.