Laboratory Signage Program
Hazard warning signs, required by regulatory agencies, advise people of the types of hazards that are present and will be placed at every main entrance to a laboratory room or complex. The signs are produced by EHS, but it is the responsibility of laboratory personnel to provide information to keep the sign current.
Obtaining a Posting
Following an evaluation of the hazards in the room, laboratory users submit a Lab Signage Request Form to EHS. Once approved, EHS will post the sign in a hard-sided plastic sleeve on the latch side of the door from the hall or public space leading into the room. Door postings must be reviewed at least annually.
Submit a Laboratory Signage Request Form
Hazard Information
The Laboratory Signage Definitions document provides an explanation of information conveyed through a door posting. The Particularly Hazardous Substances list of chemicals provides PHS classifications where applicable.
Contact Information
Each sign is required to have a name, title, office location and office phone or other contact number for one or more individual(s) knowledgeable about all operations being conducted in the laboratory. After hours contact information must be provided for qualified individuals available to provide information about the laboratory operations and equipment to emergency responders. The PI responsible for the laboratory must be listed as one of the emergency contact positions.

For more information
Drew Pemberton
Laboratory Safety Officer
Andrew Eberle
Industrial Hygienist